To date, MELODIA has been downloaded over 3,700 times. For me this is a fantastic outcome and I'm genuinely thrilled that the results of my research are being used by so many people.
But... where?
To get an idea of where MELODIA users come from, I've plotted the (rough) location of each download on a world map. For various technical reasons I've limited the plot to the first 2000 downloads, but I think it still results in a very interesting map:
View MELODIA: first 2000 downloads in a full screen map
Cool huh! I could try to do some sort of geo-based analysis, but I think it's more fun to just let you explore the map yourself. If you want to see it in full screen click here.
I've also generated another version of this map where close data-points are clustered together, which you can access by clicking here.
For those interested in making similar maps of their own, I used the freegeoip API and BatchGeo :)